Jacquelyn & Nathan

February 14, 2026 • Blue Mountains, ON, Canada
338 Days To Go!

Jacquelyn & Nathan

February 14, 2026 • Blue Mountains, ON, Canada
338 Days To Go!

Q + A

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where is the wedding?

Our wedding will be taking place on Saturday, February 14, 2026 at Blue Mountain Resort of The Blue Mountains, Ontario, Canada.

Where within the resort will the ceremony and reception take place?

Both the ceremony and reception will take place at the Village Conference Centre (building P) within the Blue Mountain Village.

What time will the ceremony be at?

The ceremony will take place around 4pm EST (official time to be confirmed closer to).

What time does the reception start?

Following the ceremony will be a cocktail hour within the corridor. Reception is expected to start around 6pm EST.

Where should I stay?

Within the Blue Mountain Resort using our discount code 1009NP. Guests have the option to stay at the Blue Mountain Inn, Resort Homes, Village Suites or Mosaic Boutique Suites.

Can I book an AirBnB or Virbo instead?

We do prefer our guests to book directly within the Blue Mountain Resort. There are Resort Home options offering up to four-bedrooms using our discount code.

Where do I book using the discount code?

Please return to the Home page to find the link. It will apply 15% off during one of the busiest times of the year at Blue Mountain Resort.

Am I expected to be there the Friday night?

Only the parents, wedding party and siblings of the bride & groom are expected to attend the rehearsal dinner Friday night.

Can I just book a room for the Saturday night?

There is a two-night minimum to booking a room with our discount code at Blue Mountain Resort. Guests are encouraged to arrive the Friday and stay until Sunday (no drinking and driving please).

When do I RSVP?

Official invites will be mailed out in the Fall.

Can I bring my children?

This is an 18+ event with the exception of our nephew in attendance.